My Alaskan friend of 26 years sends me a haiku every morning. I can follow the weather on her island, the Cubs baseball season, current political shenanigans around the world, and her mood, all because of 19 clever syllables. I tend to wax on, thinking more is better. Her edits on my pieces are covered in red ink, "less - two words, not five - CUT!" I am getting better with word selection, taking out bits and pieces that lead down rabbit trails, and think of her smiling when I cut whole paragraphs. In her honor, and to celebrate National Haiku Poetry Day on April 17th, I submit the only haikus I have ever written, trying to capture a whole scene in 5 -7 - 5
Dawn Ruckus
dawn ruckus ensues
flashlight reveals horror of
dead bunny, smug cat
pillow stealing cat
nightly struggle for blankets
get your own bed Jake!
phone call - cancer spot
out comes the doctor's knife - SLICE
SOB - I will be brave
Stormy Haikus
awake at midnight
in the dark I grab your hand
this storm is scary!
rain slashing sideways
wind rattling the windows
no leaks here. I say
but the other house?
are the trailer windows shut?
leaping from our bed
we race naked to the door
stand there, it is COLD
I'll go - no. I"ll go.
we are delaying the going
launch out into wet
a deluge hits us
watch those slick tiles! careful!
fast then faster
up the stairs, breathless
door thrown open, windows shut
mission accomplished
I dry your shivers
you pull back the comforter
cold bodies snuggle
sleep comes at long last
the brouhaha is over
just a haiku now